171 Elden Street, Suite 3A3, Herndon VA 20170

(703) 787-3850

Meet Doctor Jason Yoo

Dr Jason Yoo Chiropractor


Dr. Jason Ji Yoo is a Chiropractic Sports Physician practicing in the city of Herndon, VA.  In 1995, Dr. Yoo obtained a Bachelors of Arts degree in biology from Boston University and graduated in the top 20 percent of his class.  In 2002, he received a degree as a Doctor of Chiropractic from Los Angeles College of Chiropractic where he graduated with honors.  During his time in Los Angeles, Dr. Yoo trained and worked as a personal trainer for 4 years at 24 Hour Fitness where he became the clubs top personal trainer before returning to Virginia in 2002.  Dr. Yoo is a member the Virginia Chiropractic Association.  He is proficient in several soft tissue techniques such as Graston, Post Isometric, and Active Release Technique.  He is passionate about golf, health and fitness.  


Our Goal

The goal of Capitol Rehab
Chiropractic and Massage
is to help as many people
as possible with health care,
maintenance and the
prevention of illness.
Capitol Rehab Chiropractic
and Massage strives to make
people healthier through
chiropractic care,
increase the quality
of people's lives through
better health and mobility,
and make a positive difference
in people's lives. It is our goal
to serve our community
with the best quality
chiropractic care and to
educate our patients
regarding their health.